It's that simple really, as children we often say, "I can't" when in reality we should be shouting "I CAN" from rooftops. Many times I've said those first two powerful words and meant every molecule of air it required to say it. Childbirth with no drugs, YEAH, I TOTALLY CAN'T! Now to be honest, I haven't tried in 19 years so in all fairness, I may be stronger now but, we'll never know thanks to modern medicine. I can't drink black coffee, better yet, I don't even want to, haven't you been within air shot of someone who did? No thanks, I'll pass. I can't put the toilet paper on the roll in the "under" direction, I'm an over girl. I could sit here all day and give "I can't" examples but most are because of personal preference, not the inability to accomplish it. I can now say that I truly find it difficult to label things that I consider " I can't's".
I can't believe people do not see their own worth, I can't stand mean people, I can't be around chips without wanting to eat them. What I can do is encourage people to see themselves as others do or even better, as God does. I can spread kindness in hopes that it eventually kindness will infiltrate the minds of the meanest person.. I can choose what's best for me and turn away the chips, takes a lot of muscle but I can do it. I can do anything put in front of me, do I choose to? Not all the time but when something really strikes my fancy, I go all in. Took me a lot of money and storing of stuff to realize how "all in" I really go. I mean, just ask my family how much scrapbook and card making stuff I have, stained glass...yup I needed to prove I could do that as well so I've got tons of that. I've been pretty dang successful in direct sales throughout the years, I'm a damn good fundraiser for causes I'm passionate in. I just taught myself how to make Macarons because I was spending a ton of money each week at The Sweet Treat Depot in Conyers, GA buying them. Were they as good, maybe but...for some reason I prefer the taste and desire for them when someone else makes them, not me. That's a whole other blog because generally, that is not the case, I'm a do it yourself'er to the core! I could go on for days about what I've done in life just to prove that fact that I CAN. But I won't because I don't write this with the intention of bragging. I write it to say that whatever we put our minds and energy towards, we can do!
Here's what I know to be factual; two years ago I hated my job, I was not sleeping and I was mentally and emotionally drained daily by a job that was filled with negative energy. From the boss to the staff, it was draining and I stuck around because I just didn't know which direction I wanted to go, I lacked a college degree and that hurt, big time. One day I was working peacefully and a tornado came thru the office and fired me, nearly 13 years on the job, no valid reason other than we were just two different people. I'd never, and I mean never been treated with such blatant disrespect by someone I'd worked so hard for. Fast forward to today, I have a full time job where I am able to serve multiple purposes, I am a promoter for an amazing nutrition company, I have a part time job cleaning a church that my beloved husband helps with, I've started my own blog, I am preparing for a fundraiser hosting 200+ people where we have spent that last year collecting raffle items, sponsors, seeking supporters and all because it's a passion and this week, I started Real Estate school. Sometimes I don't feel like I do enough, I feel lazy and other times I think I'm gonna fall on my butt. But the point being, I TRY. I don't give up on myself. I do get burnt out hence the card making and scrapbooking supplies...I am determined to get back into my stained glass Lord knows, I have enough glass to create new windows for my house. But I get back up each time because to me, "I CAN DO IT", much like the picture above is set in stone. You too can do it, you have to put your differences, your negativity and your "I can't" in the trash and reach for the stars.